Bachelor of Science in Data Science (BSc DS)

Admission Code
JS1072 (JUPAS) /
1072 (Direct Application for Normative 4-year Entry) /
1715A (Direct Application for Advanced Standing I Entry)
Normal Period of Study
4 years (Normative 4-year Study) /
3 years (Advanced Standing I)
Mode of Study
Mode of Funding
Programme Leader
Professor Yu YANG
Deputy Programme Leader
Professor Xinyue LI
Professor Samuel LAU

What You Will Be Studying

This major provides graduates in data science with essential training of quantitative knowledge, statistical theory, machine learning technology for the effective use and analysis of big and complex data for real-world applications. The primal goal of this data science major is to train a generation of students who are equally versed in data processing, data analysis, predictive modelling, and computational techniques and enable them the skills for the challenges in future that involve making sense of complex data to realise planning and decision making. The major offers a suite of courses and programs to equip and empower students of quantitative background to become professionals and practitioners of rigorous, actionable, and ethical data science. To this end, besides providing rigorous education about data science models and methods, the major also emphasises the interdisciplinary training and the expertise of particular subject domains as well as communication skills and ethical awareness.

The programme provides three flexible modules of advanced knowledge:
a) Artificial Intelligence
b) Social Media Analytics
c) Statistical Learning

Graduate Opportunities:

Click here for details

Entrance Requirements

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Student Stories

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Major Structure / Major Requirements

Normative 4-year Degree
Advanced Standing I (ASI)
Note: Advanced Standing II Entry is not available for BScDS.

Student Handbook and Model Study Path

Note: Students admitted to an undeclared major (BDDS) and have declared home major for BScDS will follow the Major Requirements of the next Catalogue Term. e.g. Students admitted to BDDS in 2019/20 and have declared major in BScDS will follow the Major requirements of the Catalogue Term Semester A 2020/21.

DS student who is admitted directly to BScDS or BScDSE, and BDDS student who has declared major after Year 1, is NOT eligible for switching major within DS.

Last modified on 3 October, 2024