Adjunct Professors

Academic Track

 Professor S. Joe QIN

Professor S. Joe QIN 
President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science, Lingnan University

Research Interests: Data Analytics, Statistical Learning, System Data Science, Latent Variable Methods, High-dimensional Time Series Latent Variable Modeling, Data-driven Control and Optimization

Professor Kwok Leung TSUI

Professor Kwok Leung TSUI 
Chair Professor of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests: Engineering and applied statistics, Data mining and analytics, Prognostics and systems health management, Quality control and systems monitoring

Professor Ding-Xuan ZHOU

Professor Ding-Xuan ZHOU
Head of School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney

Research Interests: Learning Theory; Wavelet Analysis; Approximation Theory

Dr Qingpeng ZHANG

Professor Qingpeng ZHANG 
Associate Professor, Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science, and Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong

Research Interests: Healthcare Data Analytics, Medical Informatics, Network Science, Social Computing, Artificial Intelligence

Industrial Track

Prof DENG Zhongming, Michael

Professor DENG Zhongming, Michael 
Director & President, Peking University Sci-Tech Innovation Park Development Co., Ltd.

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in the Industries, Commercialization of Scientific and Technological Advances, Venture Capital, New Quality Productive Forces, Cooperation Mechanism of Greater Bay Area