The data space is becoming more intelligent and immersive, thanks to the rapidly developing AI and XR technologies. Most immersive services demand intensive computation while having high latency sensitivity. Therefore, deploying immersive services on scale face numerous practical challenges such as computation efficiency, transmission efficiency, and system reliability. Besides, immersive services often collect private user information for personalized experience and thus pose a serious privacy risk. This talk will go through a number of recent research to further explain the problems surrounding the creation of intelligent, immersive systems with an emphasis on efficiency optimization and privacy protection in relation to alluring future services. Finally, the talk will be concluded with future directions and open challenges.
Speaker: Dr Pengyuan ZHOU
Date: 17 January 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Poster: Click here
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Dr Pengyuan Zhou was an EU Marie-Curie ESR and received his PhD from University of Helsinki, Finland in 2020. After working there as a PostDoc fellow for one year, he joined USTC as a research associate professor in 2021. His research interests include AIoT, federated learning, and metaverse. He has published papers in top venues including Ubicomp, PERCOM, ICDCS, TITS, and TVT. He has served as a PC member for various top conferences such as AAAI and IJCAI, invited reviewer for TWC, TITS, IEEE Network, Springer Computing, etc., and SI editor for IEEE Network. He’s also a core member of the mobile team in the top federated learning open-sourced community, Openmined.