SDSC/HKIDS Contribute to EMSD's Winning Award at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days 2022
Empowered by a consultant team comprising CityU’s scholars, an invention from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) - “Semantic AI for Predictive Maintenance of Railway Track Systems” has won the Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2022.
Spearheaded by Professor S. Joe Qin, Dean and Chair Professor of SDSC and Director of HKIDS, other inventors from CityU include Dr. Paul Lam, Associate Professor of Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and faculties from the School of Data Science Dr. Qingpeng Zhang, Dr. Yu Yang, and Dr. Lishuai Li, together with EMSD, MTR Corporation Limited and Risksis Technology Limited successfully developed an AI semantic model which generates insights for predictive maintenance recommendations for a railway system.
The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva is one of the world’s most prestigious annual events exclusively devoted to inventions. All competition entries are evaluated by an international jury of specialists. Many of these inventions will be applied in practice or successfully commercialised and sold to different places worldwide. This year, about 800 inventions from 25 countries and regions participated in the event.
This is an outstanding recognition of SDSC’s consistent efforts in research endeavors. The success keenly demonstrates SDSC’s strength to play a strategic role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship of future generations and supporting a sustainable future.