SDSC Scholars Won Three Silver Medals at 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

SDSC Scholars Won Three Silver Medals at 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

Congratulations to Professor Lishuai LI (Associate Professor) and Professor Xinyue LI (Assistant Professor) and their teams, who have won a total of three Silver Medals at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (IEIG) - a leading annual event devoted exclusively to inventions globally.

Company Winning Project Inventor and Team member Award Project Descriptions
CityUHK ClusterAD: Method of Presenting Aircraft Flight Data and Associated Graphical User Interface Prof Lishuai LI (PI)
Dr Xinting ZHU (Postdoc, HKIDS)
Mr Weizun ZHAO (PhD student, SDSC)
Mr Florent CHARRUAUD (Former RA, Dept. of Systems Engineering)
Mr Yongchao YE (PhD student, SDSC)
Mr Shuchang LI (RA, HKIDS)
Silver Medal The invention provides a series of AI tools for analyzing flight data toward safe and efficient operations, including identifying abnormal behaviors and improving fuel efficiency.
SmartSkyBuilder* CitySkyPlan: AI Algorithms for Drone Delivery Routes and Traffic Management Prof Lishuai LI (PI)
Dr Xinyu HE (Postdoc, HKIDS)
Mr Fang HE (PhD student, SDSC)
Dr Lei ZHANG (Antwork)
Silver Medal AI methods for air traffic management of unmanned air vehicles, generating collision-free air route networks to support large-scale operations in urban low-altitude airspaces.
CityUHK & ITsci Company Limited* AI-Powered Virtual Immunocytochemistry for Rapid and Robust Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Diagnosis Prof Condon LAU
Department of Physics

Prof Xinyue LI
School of Data Science

Prof Fraser Ian HILL
Director of CityU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Dr Irfan AHMED
Postdoc, Department of Physics

Mr Wei ZHANG (PhD student, SDSC)
Silver Medal In traditional approaches, pathologists need to stain biopsy samples with standard and antibody-based immunocytochemistry (ICC) reagents prior to making final diagnosis. AI-powered virtual ICC is a cloud-based diagnostic tool for pathologists to enable rapid and robust pathological diagnosis.

(*) The award-winning teams under HK Tech 300, CityUHK’s large-scale flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme

IEIG provides a unique opportunity for inventors and researchers to present the results of their research and their new products. With its leading global standing and scale, it is recognized as the most important global event showcasing innovations and inventions from all over the world. In its 49th session held from 17 to 21 April 2024 in Switzerland, the event featured more than 1,000 inventions from 38 countries and regions, with nearly 700 delegates from 40 Hong Kong organizations participating.

CityU snatches 36 awards, including two Special Prizes, eight Gold Medals with Congratulations of the Jury, 10 Gold Medals, 11 Silver Medals and five Bronze Medals. The success keenly demonstrates CityUHK’s excellence in high-quality research and innovation on the global stage.