SDSC Faculty awarded at IEEE INFOCOM 2021

Research team of SDSC faculty members Prof S. Joe Qin, Prof Minghua Chen and post doc Yanfang Mo won the “Best Poster Award” in the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2021). The title of the research is “Optimal Peak-Minimizing Online Algorithms for Large-Load Users with Energy Storage”. Another team member includes Qiulin Lin, post doc from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
IEEE INFOCOM is a top-ranked conference on networking in the research community. It is a major conference venue for researchers to present and exchange significant and innovative contributions and ideas in the field of networking and closely related areas. IEEE INFOCOM covers both theoretical and systems research. For INFOCOM 2021, the conference includes a main technical program, a number of workshops, a keynote speech, panels, a student poster session, and demo/poster sessions.
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